Source code for django_otp.oath

from hashlib import sha1
import hmac
from struct import pack
from time import time

[docs] def hotp(key, counter, digits=6): """ Implementation of the HOTP algorithm from `RFC 4226 <>`_. :param bytes key: The shared secret. A 20-byte string is recommended. :param int counter: The password counter. :param int digits: The number of decimal digits to generate. :returns: The HOTP token. :rtype: int >>> key = b'12345678901234567890' >>> for c in range(10): ... hotp(key, c) 755224 287082 359152 969429 338314 254676 287922 162583 399871 520489 """ msg = pack(b'>Q', counter) hs =, msg, sha1).digest() hs = list(iter(hs)) offset = hs[19] & 0x0F bin_code = ( (hs[offset] & 0x7F) << 24 | hs[offset + 1] << 16 | hs[offset + 2] << 8 | hs[offset + 3] ) hotp = bin_code % pow(10, digits) return hotp
[docs] def totp(key, step=30, t0=0, digits=6, drift=0): """ Implementation of the TOTP algorithm from `RFC 6238 <>`_. :param bytes key: The shared secret. A 20-byte string is recommended. :param int step: The time step in seconds. The time-based code changes every ``step`` seconds. :param int t0: The Unix time at which to start counting time steps. :param int digits: The number of decimal digits to generate. :param int drift: The number of time steps to add or remove. Delays and clock differences might mean that you have to look back or forward a step or two in order to match a token. :returns: The TOTP token. :rtype: int >>> key = b'12345678901234567890' >>> now = int(time()) >>> for delta in range(0, 200, 20): ... totp(key, t0=(now-delta)) 755224 755224 287082 359152 359152 969429 338314 338314 254676 287922 """ return TOTP(key, step, t0, digits, drift).token()
[docs] class TOTP: """ An alternate TOTP interface. This provides access to intermediate steps of the computation. This is a living object: the return values of ``t`` and ``token`` will change along with other properties and with the passage of time. :param bytes key: The shared secret. A 20-byte string is recommended. :param int step: The time step in seconds. The time-based code changes every ``step`` seconds. :param int t0: The Unix time at which to start counting time steps. :param int digits: The number of decimal digits to generate. :param int drift: The number of time steps to add or remove. Delays and clock differences might mean that you have to look back or forward a step or two in order to match a token. >>> key = b'12345678901234567890' >>> totp = TOTP(key) >>> totp.time = 0 >>> totp.t() 0 >>> totp.token() 755224 >>> totp.time = 30 >>> totp.t() 1 >>> totp.token() 287082 >>> totp.verify(287082) True >>> totp.verify(359152) False >>> totp.verify(359152, tolerance=1) True >>> totp.drift 1 >>> totp.drift = 0 >>> totp.verify(359152, tolerance=1, min_t=3) False >>> totp.drift 0 >>> del totp.time >>> totp.t0 = int(time()) - 60 >>> totp.t() 2 >>> totp.token() 359152 """ def __init__(self, key, step=30, t0=0, digits=6, drift=0): self.key = key self.step = step self.t0 = t0 self.digits = digits self.drift = drift self._time = None
[docs] def token(self): """The computed TOTP token.""" return hotp(self.key, self.t(), digits=self.digits)
[docs] def t(self): """The computed time step.""" return ((int(self.time) - self.t0) // self.step) + self.drift
@property def time(self): """ The current time. By default, this returns time.time() each time it is accessed. If you want to generate a token at a specific time, you can set this property to a fixed value instead. Deleting the value returns it to its 'live' state. """ return self._time if (self._time is not None) else time() @time.setter def time(self, value): self._time = value @time.deleter def time(self): self._time = None
[docs] def verify(self, token, tolerance=0, min_t=None): """ A high-level verification helper. :param int token: The provided token. :param int tolerance: The amount of clock drift you're willing to accommodate, in steps. We'll look for the token at t values in [t - tolerance, t + tolerance]. :param int min_t: The minimum t value we'll accept. As a rule, this should be one larger than the largest t value of any previously accepted token. :rtype: bool Iff this returns True, `self.drift` will be updated to reflect the drift value that was necessary to match the token. """ drift_orig = self.drift verified = False for offset in range(-tolerance, tolerance + 1): self.drift = drift_orig + offset if (min_t is not None) and (self.t() < min_t): continue elif self.token() == token: verified = True break else: self.drift = drift_orig return verified